Interval Show #36: Morning Routine

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Developing a Morning Flexibility/Mobility Routine
Host Brad Kearns describes with great enthusiasm his recently adopted energizing morning routine that has become a fixture in his overall workout program over the past few months. Developing a customized morning routine and doing it first thing in the morning every single day helps make this an easily maintained habit – no need to summon willpower or motivation, just do it like you brush your teeth. Make it short and simple enough that you can do it every day without strain or struggle. Watch the YouTube video of Brad’s exercises and gain inspiration to develop your own. Brad’s sequence starts in bed to make sure that he does it every day. It includes assorted exercises to build core and improve glute, hamstring, and calf flexibility so that he has a better baseline to launch from for formal high intensity workouts in sprinting and high jumping. Adding this element to your game can really help improve performance, reduce injury risk, and put you in a proactive frame of mind to start your busy day.

Check out this episode!

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