#88: Andrew MacNaughton Q&A

The popular Q&A shows have a new twist and Andrew MacNaughton, former elite pro, The Athletes Potential coach, and popular podcast repeat guest, tackles questions from listeners. Some of the questions lead us to hitting some big picture philosophical points hard. Andrew urges athletes to ignore the struggle and suffer mentality that is embedded in endurance culture. You don’t have to suffer or feel routinely tired to progress as an athlete.


Focus on going faster at aerobic heart rates rather than inching up training heart rates. There are assorted dangers of training in the black hole. Furthermore, you implement and refine good technique at slow speeds (true in all sports). You can mix in a bit of strength training during aerobic periods, especially if you have goals like obstacle course racing. 


Is there a propensity to over train? [00:01:09] 


In order to feel good about being in shape should workouts and training be a painful punishment? [00:05:22] 


Should we have “make-up workouts?” [00:06:40] 


Alicia asks what kind of heart monitor should she use? [00:09:46] 


Is it a good goal to try to bump up our heart rates? [00:11:25] 


What is the right level to shoot for in order to train BELOW my Maximum Aerobic Function? [00:15:05] 


Is it important to do “quality” rather than “junk miles”? [00:19:44] 


Can one apply this theory of going slow in training in swimming or golfing? [00:24:00] 


What are some techniques one should use for preparing for Obstacle Course Racing? [00:29:57] 

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