#85: Lindsay Taylor, Part 2

Lindsay Taylor—Goal Setting Starts With Sleep!

This show was intended to cover goal setting in various categories for a healthy, successful 2017. We started with sleep since sleep is #1 and never left that topic. Enjoy this fast moving show that issues up a challenge to you: Can you get your sleep handled? Don’t forget this strongly influences your success with weight loss (regulation of appetite and fat storage hormones), endurance performance, and cognitive performance. If you can’t prioritize sleep (typically this means sacrificing digital screen entertainment in the evenings), you are unlikely to succeed with your pursuit of other goals requiring discipline and sacrifice. Enjoy the show, but if it’s past your bedtime, then listen tomorrow!


How is it that she completed the Ironman in a better time than anticipated? [00:00:51] 

What are some of the considerations for preparing yourself for your busy life in this new year? [00:03:47] 

Why is sleep the most important consideration of all? [00:06:44] 

How does one monitor the goals they have set for themselves? [00:09:15] 

How can we learn to focus and prioritize sleep? [00:13:16]

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