#74: Ironman Jordan Rapp and Andrew MacNaughton, Part 2

Host Brad Kearns goes deep in part 2 with Andrew and Jordan. The trio discuss how attitudes, mindset and personality affect training approaches and decisions. They discuss the fine line between striving to move up a bit in the elite ranks and drifting into over-training patterns – a dilemma that athletes of all ability levels face in endurance sports. The conversations flows into many other directions, so enjoy the lively banter and pick up some good training insights.

Jordan Rapp and Andrew McNaughton help Brad talk about managing hills like “Rock Star” (in LA.) [00:00:59] 

What do they think about the advances in technology in the last 10 and 20 years? [00:05:36] 

Is it best to train according to your mood? [00:14:31] 

What is running? Is slower than 11-minute miles considered running? [00:20:51] 

Give credit to getting the enjoyment from the training and the races. [00:27:51] 

How has the doping problem manifested itself in the bicycling community? [00:29:34]

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