#107: Brad Kearns & Elle Russ (Part.2)

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Elle Russ and Brad Kearns, Primal Endurance Online Course, Part 2

The second part of the Primal Endurance Online Mastery course discusses how Primal-style eating integrates into endurance training goals. Becoming fat adapted through dietary transformation can actually make you a faster endurance athlete, by improving your ability to burn stored fat for energy. Eating a high carbohydrate diet and training in chronic patterns can make you overstressed, inflamed, and carrying excess body fat despite devoted attention to training. What’s more, the traditional “struggle and suffer” approach to endurance training can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease! Even if you are walking around as a fit and ripped specimen, bad things happen inside your body when you are in the carbohydrate dependency training paradigm. Slow down your cardio workouts; ditch grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils. All these topics and more are carefully organized in the Primal Endurance online course to give you the most comprehensive education on endurance training ever created. Check it all out at primalendurance.fit (including the introductory discount and special bonus offer).

Brad and Elle talk about the eating strategy for good primal living.  How does one unwire the brain from the sugar addiction and become fat adapted? [00:01:30] 

Is there a reason you are addicted to the carbohydrates? Is it a hormonal unbalance? [00:13:02] 

Do you have to eat every few hours? Why is that? [00:14:07] 

What about the need for glucose? [00:17:00] 

The first thing anyone has to do is reject those refined carbohydrates from the diet. [00:22:24] 

How many carbs should someone have a day? [00:32:27] 

If a person wants to be an endurance athlete and has been working on being fat adapted, what does that person need to eat during the race? [00:36:32] 

What is the process of becoming fat adapted? It comes in two sides: slowing down training and adhering to primal diet. [00:39:00] 

How important is it to get blood tests? “I feel totally fit!” [00:40:50] 

How does the mental stress of winning affect people and how does one deal that? [00:45:44] 

What happens when a person is in ketosis? [00:49:28] 

What is it that people need to understand about fasting? [00:51:50] 

How often should a person exercise? [00:54:53] 

Check out this episode!

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