#102: Mark talks to Joe DeSena

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Mark Sisson chats with Joe DeSena – the founder and CEO of Spartan Race, the world’s leading obstacle racing company. Mark and Joe talk about endurance racing, including the wildly popular Spartan Race brand that Joe has built, and other entrepreneurial topics in this show. 

Talking about Spartan Race, this obstacle race, Mark wonders why this concept wasn’t around years ago? [00:02:48] 

How did he get started? [00:07:05] 

What does his famous expression, “Get shit done!” mean? [00:09:40] 

One of the bullet points in the marketing of your racing style is “Conquer your greatest obstacles, your will.” What does that mean? [00:12:28] 

What is normal today?  How does one push beyond? [00:14:27] 

Does he expect a lot from other people? [00:20:33] 

How does he set up an event in a town to prepare for the race? [00:24:02] 

What does this mean? “Embrace your greatest friend: Discipline!” [00:26:19] 

Attrition is one of the greatest contributors to other people’s success. [00:31:09] 

Other events breed sheep. Spartan events breed wolves. What does that mean? [00:35:12] 

Life is about facing stuff you haven’t yet faced. [00:37:38] 

“Get rid of stuff” is one piece of advice from Joe. [00:38:50] 

Joe@Spartan.com is the way to get in touch. [00:39:37] 


Joe DeSena


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