#100: Andrew MacNaughton Coaching

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Andrew MacNaughton on the ideal coach-athlete relationship

Host Brad Kearns and Andrew MacNaughton talk about the most important dynamics of a successful and enjoyable coach-athlete relationship. In particular, the personal and intuitive elements differ from the common dynamic of the coach as a workout programmer. Andrew’s coaching operation, The Athlete’s Potential (TAP), embodies this evolved approach based on authentic interpersonal relationships looking at the big picture view of succeeding in life and endurance sports in tandem. 

The process starts with a mutual interview to determine a good fit. Expectations, goals, and life stress matters are all presented so an action plan can take shape with mutual input. Andrew helps his athletes escape from the “falling behind” trap by programming sequences of workouts instead of days. If you miss a day of training, you just strive to complete recommended workouts the next day. This is a huge difference from applying workout patterns to a calendar. Andrew also recommends a cafeteria-style workout schedule where the athlete knows its a recovery day, and can choose from an assortment of actual workouts that meet the recovery objective?or the race preparation key workout objective if the case may be. If you are a coach, are looking for a coach, or wondering how you can improve your relationship with your existing coach, check out this episode. Oh yeah, Andrew reminds coaches and athletes alike that this stuff should be fun, not drudgery. Enjoy, and check out more at theathletespotential.com

Check out this episode!

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